Photo credits: Wolfcraft I/O

Welcome to InsPrana Yoga.

Yoga is… many things. You can ask 10 yogis and you’ll get 11 different answers. With that in mind, I want to introduce you to InsPrana.

InsPrana offers online and in person classes filled with physical postures, breath exercises and meditative practices that help you find your center. Bring your life force in, so you can guide your life in the direction you want it to go.

Find and register for your next class on the Schedule page. All the information about pricing, or what kind of classes I offer classes can be found under practical info.

InsPrana contraction | ins·pra·na \ inˈs-ˈprä-nə \
: to ins(pire) prana
: to guide, incite, draw forth, inhale the life force or vital principle that fuels a person
Inspire verb | in·​spire | \ in-ˈspī(-ə)r \
: to influence, move or guide
: to bring about, to incite, to draw forth
: to inhale
Prana noun | pra·na \ ˈprä-nə \
: a life breath or vital principle in Vedic and later Hindu religion

Yoga noun | yo·​ga \ ˈyō-gə \
: (capitalized) a Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind, and will in order that the self may realize its distinction from them and attain liberation
: a system of physical postures, breathing techniques, and sometimes meditation derived from Yoga but often practiced independently especially in Western cultures to promote physical and emotional well-being

InsPrana Yoga way of life | ins·pra·na yo·​ga \ inˈs-ˈprä-nə ˈyō-gə \
: a system of physical postures (āsana), breathing techniques (prāṇāyāma) and meditation (dhyāna) practiced with the intention of guiding, inciting, drawing the life force, to promote physical, psychological and emotional balance

See what students say

Diana her expertise and passion to her craft enables her to offer a superb yoga experience! During one of her private classes, Diana quickly spotted small improvements I can make to better my posture and overall flow. I wholeheartedly recommend Diana to anyone seeking a joyful yoga session and well deserved Savasana! Harry


Diana’s class is perfect for all levels. She provides variations of poses for more advanced people, and reminds you to only go to your comfort level on that day. There is a lot of encouragement throughout the class. I look forward to zenning out each week. it is also because of Diana’s class that I have learned to, and enjoy, meditation.


Diana’s yoga classes are perfect when you need balance with your heavy workouts. She focuses on how your body functions, all of it, and what it needs, so don’t expect to much spirituality in her classes. Down to earth, full of knowledge, and with a healthy dose of humor – she makes a great teacher. So take one of her classes. Your body will thank you!


I am always satisfied after your yoga classes !!! I especially like the stretching and your way of teaching. Thanks topper 🙂


For me Diana’s yoga classes always offer a change to learn new things and challenge myself (mostly the core, in my case). Diana always takes time to remind us not to take it all to seriously and listen to our bodies. I think her classes are inclusive for all, yet she also adapts them based on our needs, especially after intense an CrossFit workout the day before (that she most likely also attended and suffered with us), targeting specific muscles that now require attention and stretching. All in all, thanks Diana!

Elina Sergejeva

I am Sara, and I started yoga with Diana completely by chance once I was doing a drop in in CrossFit Gent and it was really nice. Since then, I normally attend to her classes because she makes them very dynamic, with a huge variety of movements from one class to the other, and I can feel myself more relaxed and connected (after the savasana, for sure ☺️). She is a really nice teacher and very professional, I am very motivated thanks to her to keep on going with yoga 😊
